Joint compound (also known as drywall compound or Mastic) is a white powder of primarily gypsum dust mixed with water to form a mud the consistency of cake frosting, which is used with paper or fiber joint tape to seal joints between sheets of drywall to create a seamless base for paint on interior walls.

Tile Adhesives, joint fillers, Joint Crack Sealants, ADHERE BONDS – LAT, ADHERE BONDS – RTG, ADHERE BONDS – TGL, CTG, ETG, Thermax MAXTITE GROUT, EP, MP Epoxy Based Joint Grout, Adhere Bonds, Maxtite Grout, range of joint fillers & Tile adhesives used for fixing tiles on the floors, walls and swimming pools.

Grout is generally a mixture of water, cement, and sand, and is employed in pressure grouting, embedding rebar in masonry walls, connecting sections of pre-cast concrete, filling voids, and sealing joints such as those between tiles.

Ceramic Tile Adhesive is a high performance, professional formula adhesive with the high bond strengths required and suited for ceramic, mosaic, quarry, pavers, gauged slate, porcelain and gauged stone tile, they provides maximum resistance to intermittent water exposure.

Whether your reasons for tiling are commercial or residential, practical or aesthetic, there are many things for you to consider before a ceramic tile installation.